2024 TRI LINC Scheme grant application

This is a preview of the 2024 TRI LINC scheme grant application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Executive Summary

* indicates a required field.

Please read the 2024 LINC Funding Guidelines available on the TRI LINC Scheme website before completing this application to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and for detailed information on how your application will be evaluated.

If you have any questions please contact the TRI Research & Clinical Translation Manager at funding@tri.edu.au

To accommodate unexpected technical problems do not leave submission to the last minute - incomplete applications and/or late applications will not be considered under any circumstances.

Please note:  word counts are a guideline. If you can answer the question in fewer words, you will not be penalised.

Project title

Word count:
Must be no more than 30 words. 

Principal Investigators

Principal Investigator - Clinician (PI-Clinician):

Organisation: * Required
Response required.

Principal Investigator- Researcher (PI-Researcher):

Organisation: * Required
Response required.

Plain language summary

Word count:
Must be no more than 200 words. If the applicant is successful, this plain language Summary may be used to promote the project on the TRI, MSH, Mater or CHQ websites.

Total amount requested

Must be a number. This value should equal the amount calculated in Part D3 of the budget.